Our Team

Cassie Abate - Co-Founder

Cassie abate

Cassie Abate is Co-Head of the Musical Theatre Program at Texas State University. Cassie has spent the last 15 years working as a performer, director and choreographer in New York and at theatres throughout the country including Arena Stage, Barrington Stage, Utah Shakespeare Festival, Connecticut Repertory Theatre, ZACH Theatre, and North Shore Music Theatre. Cassie received a BFA in Musical Theatre from The University of Miami and an MFA in Musical Theatre from San Diego State University.  Cassie is the author of the international textbook The Art and Practice of Musical Theatre Choreography. 

Kaitlin Hopkins - Co-Founder

Kaitlin hopkins

Kaitlin Hopkins is an award-winning actress, director, producer, and educator and has performed on and off Broadway, on national and international tours, and in film and television for more than 30 years. In 2009, she created the BFA musical theatre program at Texas State University and  served as head of the program for 14 years. Hopkins works as an arts consultant worldwide and is the proud creator and CEO of Fontus Dry Mouth Lozenges. Hopkins has pioneered groundbreaking research on mental wellness for performing artists and athletes and co-founded Living Mental Wellness, a holistic, evidence-based company that offers educational programs to enhance mental wellness through an integrated scientific life skills model.